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Tropical Leaves

Intermittent Fasting & Nutritional

Plant-Based Guide

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Who is Dr. Sebi?

Alfredo Bowman, better known as Dr. Sebi, was a self-proclaimed healer and herbalist. Dr. Sebi believed that mucus and acidity caused disease. He testified that eating certain foods and avoiding others could detoxify the body, which in return, helps to achieve an alkaline state that could reduce the risk and effects of disease. The main idea behind his diet is that disease can only survive in acidic environments. The chief aim and goal of the diet is to achieve an alkaline state in the body in order to prevent or eradicate disease. 


Dr. Sebi
Fasting & Detox



Fasting & Detox

What is fasting? 

  • Fasting is a process in which you abstain from eating and/or drinking for a period of time

2 ways to fast

  1. Intermittent Fasting: is a practice that involves eating only during certain hours of the day and abstaining during the others

    • Most popular schedule is 8 eating hours and 16 fasting hours​​

  2. Prolonged Fasting: is a type of fast that last at least for a full day (24 hours)

  • Both of these types of fast may allow drinking water or other drinks, like herbal tea/tonic 

How does it feel to fast?


  • very likely to experience hunger pains

    • might lead to mood swings, decreased energy levels, and irritability ​

    • all symptoms are normal, body is beginning to experience "gluconeogenesis"

      • During gluconeogenesis: your liver switches converting sugar to converting non-carbohydrate materials like lactate, amino acids, and fats into glucose for energy purposes 

        • At this stage... might feel drained as your basal metabolic rate, heart rate, and blood pressure lowers

Less Hunger and More Energy

  • This stage comes once your body has adapted to gluconeogenesis and begins "ketosis"

    • K​etosis: your body starts to burn stored fat as its primary power source, so your energy levels return

    • Toxic metals and other toxins are stored in fat; during ketosis they are expelled from your body

  • Once this process begins the benefits of fasting include

    • weight loss & detoxification

Fatigue, Diarrhea, Congestion, Skin Breakout

  • Your body is expelling toxins accumulated in your fat stores, and delivering them into your bloodstream

  • Worst symptoms of fast include: fatigue, diarrhea, congestion, skin breakouts, mood swings, nausea, irritability, & stuffy nose

    • usually last up to 3 days ​

      • Key lime juice + herbal teas may help flush out toxins and provide nutrients and antioxidants relieving the symptoms ​

Emotional Detox

  • Repressed emotions can also surface when you're going through a fast

    • unpleasant feelings; because your body is going through stress​

      • certain memories or feelings like: anxiety, depression, sadness, frustration, and resentment come up

    • Relieve these symptoms by upping up your self care routine!


  • Ultimate goal of a fast

  • Once you freed all toxins from your body and you've given your digestive system a rest, your body will begin to heal from inside out


During the fast: Body will scour for dead cells, damaged tissues, fatty deposits, tumors, and abscesses, all of which are burned for fuel or expelled as waste.

Benefits of Fasting 

  • Clarity -

    • when your body is not busy with digestion, it increases the "plasticity" of your brain's synapses, how fast they respond to new information. This improves your memory, learning ability, and mood

  • Weight Loss -

    • Fasting makes you more efficient in the process of burning fat for energy

    • It allows you to hit the "reset" button on your appetite by regulating the hormones that promote satiety and fullness, so you learn to understand your hunger cues

    • Makes it easier to stick to an eating plan; helps you lose or maintain a healthy weight

  • More Energy - ​​

    • After adjusting to the process of ​gluconeogenesis and ketosis you'll have a ton of sustainable energy from your fat stores

  • Clear Complexion & Brighter Skin - 

    • Fasting improves blood circulation and promotes healing, which will result in brighter skin and few acne scars​

  • Healing - 

    • Fasting helps the body to heal itself, and it's also rejuvenating and life extending!​

KaliMari Fasting Guide
Tropical Leaves


Fasting Guide

Intermittent Fasting

A practice that involves eating during certain hours of the day and abstaining during the others. Although the time of eating will differ from person to person the most popular schedule is 8 eating hours and 16 fasting hours. This allows for an optimal journey towards your health. 

Intermittent fasting can be considered difficult, but as your body adjusts to this new method of food consumption, the lifestyle will get easier! The overall idea is to become aware of what and when you are eating. It helps create limits and boundaries in your life that you then are responsible to follow. 

Typically, fat begins to burn from the body after 12 hours of fasting and will only escalate as you reach between 16 and 24 hours. The longer the fast, the more intense your body will work; and the more toxins you begin to eliminate. 

Some of the benefits of fasting include: reduced body weight, lower cholesterol, reduced liver fat, improved blood pressure, improved metabolism, lower blood sugar levels, and lessen inflammation. The reduced inflammation improves a range of health issues from arthritic pain to asthma; and even helps clear out toxins and damaged cells, which will lower the risk for cancer and enhance brain function. Studies suggest that fasting may reduce tumor growth and could help prevent recurrences of breast cancer!

Along with intermittent fasting, here in the Kingdom, we promote daily exercise and a transition to plant-based lifestyle. We know, understand and agree that the journey is NOT an easy ride. However, we are here for you 100% of the time with any questions or concerns you may have during this cleanse.

Note: People that are brittle diabetic, those with a history of eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia and pregnant or breastfeeding women should not attempt fasting unless they are under close supervision of a doctor. 

1 Day Fast

A 1 Day Fast refers to a 24 hour fast. This fast is normally done by reframing from solid foods for a 24 hour span. After 24 hours the body begins to intensify its detoxification process. You should consume roughly 1 gallon of water every day while partaking in any fast or fitness challenge!

A typical method to achieve this fast is after you eat your dinner, you can go to sleep, miss breakfast the following day, miss lunch and then make it home and have your dinner once again! That will allow a 24 hour span between both meals and will give your body the time is needs to digest and detox. Numerous people do a 24-hour fast without even realizing it! This may be due to one having a busy day. 

Some of the benefits from fasting, when done properly, include regulates glucose, control blood lipids, and manage body weight. 

In the challenge we advise all of our participants partake in intermittent fasting, this is a new lifestyle that through habitual practice will guarantee lifelong changes!

If you are new to fasting, try the 1 Day Fast once a week for the duration of the 28 Day Cleanse. This will be a way for you to introduce this new lifestyle to your temple without giving it a huge shock! 

If you are experienced with the fasting techniques do the 1 Day Fast the second week of your cleanse. The first week should be dedicated to intermittent fasting as this will be essential for prepping your body for detoxification.  As the weeks progress the idea is to slowly start extending the duration of your fast. 

Dr. Sebi teaches that after the body has fasted for 30 days or more it begins to heal in miraculous ways. This is a result of the body in the fasted state being capable of purging out mucus which has built up and manifested into disease over the course of time. 

2-4 Day Fast

A 2-4 Day Fast refers to a fast that is between 48-96 hours. At this stage in the fast the body begins to work really hard to eliminate toxins. To achieve a 2 Day Fast a method taken is to stop eating after dinner on the first day and begin eating again at dinnertime on the third day. This method is the same moving forward for the various prolonged fasts, the only difference is the duration.


It is vital to drink plenty of fluids such as spring water to prevent dehydration!!!

Some of the benefits from a 2 Day Fast include cellular repair, increased insulin sensitivity, weight loss, and reduced inflammation. Cellular repair is the body's natural way of replenishing its cells. It prevents disease and delays the tissue/cell aging process. Insulin sensitivity allows your body to transport blood sugar more efficiently. Insulin is the "storage" hormone for carbs, proteins, and fats. Our bodies prefer to use carbs and fats as a source of energy therefore, during the 2-4 Day Fast glycogen — the storage form of carbs — is depleted and insulin levels are reduced. This process allows your body to burn mostly fat for energy, making the stored body fat available for use! Researchers have found that fasting for up to 48 hours once or twice per month will reduce your calorie intake by up to 8,000 calories per month which in turn promotes weight loss. It is normal to have temporary inflammation due to immune response, however, chronic inflammation can result in serious health consequences, such as cancer, heart disease, and rheumatoid arthritis. Fasting for more than 24 hours may lower inflammation by reducing oxidative stress in your body's cells.


It's recommended in the Kingdom to do a 2-4 Day (48-96 hours) Fast 1-2 times per challenge (28 days). This can be done by completing a 2 Day Fast either in week 2 and a 3 Day Fast in week 3 of your challenge. 

Here are various methods taken to reduce complications during your fast:

1) Drink plenty of water! It is highly recommended that each day you are consuming about 1 gallon of Spring Water. This is to ensure your body remains hydrated during the cleanse as well as be an aid for detoxification.

2) Consume sea moss and other natural herbal supplements 

3) Keep your mind busy to prevent obsession with hunger. 

The KaliMari Holistic Detox Cleanse is not only a physical challenge but it is a mental one as well. We need to destroy any mental barriers, ideologies, and hypothesis against fasting. Only then, will you be able to accept this challenge full-heartedly and reap the benefits of a changed lifestyle. 

For the advance warriors try to complete a 4-6 Day Fast! This is the next extreme step towards rejuvenation. 

4-6 Day Fast

A 4-6 Day Fast is defined by abstaining from solids food for the duration of 4-6 days (96-144 hours). This is the final fast of the challenge and should be done during the last week (week 4) of your challenge! To achieve the 4 Day Fast, follow the same method as described above in the 1 Day fast, the difference is the duration! This fast will last between 4 to 6 days depending on each individuals needs, wants, and desires.

Long term fasting is an effective way to lose a lot of weight quickly. Like any other “diet,” fasting will help you lose weight, but won’t help you keep it off unless you also make a long-term change in your dietary lifestyle after the fast is over. 

In addition to weight loss, fasting will also promote autophagy, which is like a “spring/winter cleaning” for your cells! Since your body is essentially eating itself, it has a chance to get rid of any junk or waste material that may have built up, and repair the damage of oxidative stress. This is one of the biggest benefits of fasting even for people who are already at a healthy weight, since it has powerful anti-aging and muscle-building properties!

Mental clarity is another benefit of an extended fast. It’s a way to “re-set” an individuals relationship with food, and break free from patterns of emotional eating. Many religious and spiritual practices incorporate fasting because of its value for meditation and mindfulness. It requires a high level of self-awareness and effort. 


Which fasting technique is better for me? How long should I fast? How do I break my fast?


The answer is... that it depends on why you’re fasting. You can get the physical benefits of longer fasts just as easily from intermittent fasting, or even from not fasting at all. Autophagy is also achievable through intermittent fasting just as easily as longer fasts. Autophagy begins when liver glycogen is depleted, this occurs around 12-16 hours into a fast. The rate of autophagy peaks there, and then drops after about 2 days.


If your goal is a “spring/winter cleaning” for your cells, intermittent fasting may be even more effective, since you spend more time in the “early fasting” period when autophagy is at its peak!


Many individuals prefer intermittent fasting rather than a long term fast. There’s typically no loss of lean tissue (muscle), since people who intermittent fast eat plenty of protein, just at different times. Intermittent fasting allows you to keep working out, where as, exercising during long fasts will just cause more muscle loss. 

In the Kingdom of KaliMari we provide herbal supplements to help individuals replenish the nutrients, electrolytes, and minerals that may have been lost during detoxification. Our cleanse provides supplemental electrolytes such as sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphate, and magnesium.

While you’re in the midst of a long term fast, don’t try to work out at all – this will just cause your body to lose more muscle than necessary. Read, journal, meditate, sleep, listen to music, or talk to people you love. Many people take time off work to concentrate on their fast. Keeping a slow-paced and thoughtful environment will help you really get the most of the psychological and spiritual benefits of fasting.

Breaking the Fast

Breaking the fast correctly is one of the most important ways to prevent any negative consequences. Introducing too much food too rapidly can lead to a fatal condition called refeeding syndrome. Refeeding syndrome is a sudden shift from ketosis (fat-adapted metabolism) to carbohydrate-based foods this causes your body to release a flood of insulin to digest all those carbs. This process requires large amounts of phosphate, potassium, magnesium, and several vitamins, especially thiamine (Vitamin B1).

In the Kingdom of KaliMari we HIGHLY recommend that each individual after completing their fast, adopts a plant-based lifestyle. After the detoxification process your temple is rejuvenated, feed yourself food that is as close to nature as nature intended it to be. Therefore you should be consuming organic plant-based foods! Dr. Sebi believes in adapating an Alkaline Vegan Lifestyle. This is to ensure that the food you put into your body has a pH level above 7, this process will help to regulate your bodys natural pH level ensuring that you are in an alkaline state.

Below you will find delicious plant-based recipes that are super easy, tasty, and healthy!


Intermittent Fasting
1 Day Fast
2-4 Day Fast
4-6 Day Fast
Breaking the Fast
Nutritional Plant Based Guide
Tropical Leaves

Nutritional Plant-Based Guide

Who goes vegan?

What is alkaline vegan?

Where do vegans shop?

When is the right time to try vegan?

Why go vegan?


These are the constant questions we all see, hear, ask, wonder... now is the time to receive the answers you were looking for! Now is the time to embrace the light. The Universe provides everything we need to survive right from the soil of the land. In the Kingdom of KaliMari we highly advise and strongly suggest that every soul that journeyed here to this challenge partake in a plant-based lifestyle. Below you will find various plant based recipes that you may try along your journey. 

Dr. Sebi believed that mucus and acidity caused disease. He held that eating certain foods and avoiding others could detoxify the body, achieving an alkaline state that could reduce the risk and effects of disease.

(It may be a good idea to conduct research and consult a healthcare professional before trying any new diet.) 

Below you will find the Dr. Sebi Nutritional Guide. This guide contains all of the foods you should try and consume along your journey!


Dr. Sebi Nutritional Guide:

  • Only eat foods listed in the guide.

  • Drink 1 gallon of natural spring water daily.

  • Avoid animal products, hybrid foods, and alcohol.

  • Avoid using a microwave, which will “kill your food.”

  • Avoid canned and seedless fruits.

The Dr. Sebi diet involves eating:

  • vegetables, including avocadokale, bell peppers, and wild arugula

  • fruits, including applesbananas, dates, and Seville oranges

  • grains, including rye, wild rice, spelt, and quinoa

  • oils, including avocado, hempseed, coconut, and olive oils, though the diet advises against using the latter two in cooking

  • nuts and seeds, including hemp and raw sesame seeds, tahini butter, and walnuts

  • herbal teas, including chamomilefennel, and ginger varieties

  • natural sweeteners, including agave syrup and date sugar

  • spices, including cayenne and powdered seaweed

Dr. Sebi Nutritional Guide

Plant-Based Recipes

Tropical Leaves



Dr. Sebi

Dr. Sebi

Dr. Sebi
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